
Showing posts from July, 2010

Chocolate-Banana-Apricot Cake

Another Sunday baking adventure, I added an apricot twist to this Vegan Banana Cake ! Notes: I added 2-3 tbsp of chopped apricots to the final batter. I stuck to 1 1/3 cups of sugar since I was adding an overly sweet topping!! For topping, I just poured over some fudge. The second topping is a swirl of cheesecake frosting. The mini green decorations are pearls rolled out of store-bought fondant. I used a 9X5X3 loaf pan to bake the cake. You could also bake cupcakes with this recipe but make sure to reduce the baking time to 15minutes, test them at this stage before baking any further. Mine were done in 15! The Cupcake version :)

Jalapeno Cheese Focaccia

Back to blogging ... finally!!! During this long hiatus, I managed to flag a few recipes that caught my attention. Here's one such dish ... a great BREAD RECIPE from one of my favorite blogs. The whole process took me a little over 2 hours and 15 minutes, I am glad I reserved this for a Sunday. Notes: I followed the recipe to the T. For my topping, I used sliced jalapeno peppers a cheese mix (shredded monterey jack and yellow cheddar). When it comes to baking, I always make it a point to make 1/2 the quantity mentioned in the original recipe (I learnt this the hard way!). So, I made exactly 2 of the 8" loaves. I had to repeat the "yeast acitivating" process a couple times. That is probably a worthwhile exercise since this first step pretty much decides the texture and taste of the final product. Although the consistency of the baked bread was excellent, I would probably remove the bread a little earlier next time so my bread is a tad bit softer. On 2/23/