
Showing posts from December, 2010

A couple basics in baking...

Here are some of my go-to recipes in baking, especially when I venture into a new trick like experimenting with fondant or when I am trying a new baking technique etc. A tried and tested chocolate cake and a quick icing are worth flagging in your recipe collection! * Whacky Vegan Chocolate Cake by Madhuram @ Eggless Cooking I have also tried other vegan recipes that use soy milk and apple cider vinegar but this one takes the " cake" in terms of ease. Of course, the easiest is using a store bought box mix but if you are a regular baker, chances are you have a stock of the basic ingredients and that is exactly what this recipe calls for so this might be cheaper too! * Cream Cheese Icing (or Vegan Cream Cheese Icing) Butter - 1/4 cup (or Earth Balance butter if vegan) Cream cheese - 1/4 cup (or Tofutti cream cheese) Confectioner's sugar - 1 cup Vanilla extract - 1tsp I have discussed this recipe in my Red Velvet Cupcake post . If you like a very sweet icing, make that 2 cu