
Showing posts from January, 2011

Happy 2011 everyone ...

Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season. Happy 2011 y'all!! A brand new year and time for a new post ... well, our blog's been begging for a new post! That was one long hiatus but we are back - with updates, new posts, new pictures and plans and resolutions to bring this blog back to life :) I am going to start with my most exciting cooking/hosting project of 2010 .. the Christmas dinner! Almost all our dinner get togethers end up featuring Indian cuisine and we have been planning a completely non-Indian feast for quite sometime now and Christmas seemed like the perfect time to do it. My brother and his family were visiting us for the holidays so without much delay, we decided the date and started our brainstorming sessions to come up with an elaborate and exciting menu. Oh! Anusha and Archana used one such brainstorming session as the perfect excuse for my surprise birthday dinner.  Thank you girls :)  So, after about 3 weeks of discussions (online and offline)